Thursday, November 24, 2011


The more you start living like you don't give a fuck about him, the more he keeps haunting you! Just as you have perfected the art of putting him away from your thoughts, he just can't stop coming into your dreams! Why is it so? Why is it that when you say you've moved on and just as he appears you feel sabotaged like the burning end of a cigarette! When you very well know he doesn't need you, nor is he ever going to come up and meet you; fantasies just refuse to leave you, You can't stop thinking about what you could have done in the past that would have made all the difference, words that you should have said, things that you shouldn't have done!

Perhaps that is what life is; you may write as many words on your cellphone or on your computer, but destiny is not a screen with a touchpad! And that is why you don't get what you want, what you get is all what you deserve! Just as you made someone sad, life will put up things that are bad! And you wont have any control over it. That is what DESTINY is! :(

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The unposted letter

I read this somewhere .. wanted to share it with you!  

To Whomsoever It May Concern (if you end up reading this, i:e):

On the outset of it, they told me- “study…work hard, get good grades, get a job and it will be all fine”. Either it was my age, or that I had grown up listening to fairy tales… I believed them. Today, 19 years down the road, I feel different.
This is not a letter of a frustrated teenager, no…not one bit. But yeah, there is a spark…a spark waiting for the right moment to catch a fire. Today, I am half an engineer (that is to imply, I have completed 2 years of my college life). I was told engineers solve problems….they make life easy for the people out there. All I can see myself doing is quite not similar to that they promised. They lied! And so they lie to each one of us, right from point when we step inside the school with a water bottle, sharped pencil, books and a eye full of hopes, to the point when we enter the college thinking that life is one big party and we are gonna change things. Well SURPRISE-SURPRISE… party’s over folks. There is 9 out of 10 chance that 2 years later I will either be packing my bags for a post-graduate degree or I will be sitting in front of a computer and working my ass off to earn someone else a profit and work harder to earn more and get my salary taxed. Fast forward 6 years or so, I will be married to a girl….people will eat and dance away at my marriage at my expense and 5 years later I will have a kid in front of me…with the same story to tell “study…work hard..get good grades, and it will all be fine”. But that’s how it works, isn’t it? That’s how it has been working for ages! That’s the so called mystery “life”…before you even notice…its puff… gone, like a fart in the air!
It does not matter which breed you are, you know? Engineer, lawyer, doctor, economist, commerce student…. It all boils down to the same story. You know it, I know it… we just pretend to fool each other. It all boils down to the same story…unless….unless we stand up and decide to do something about it! I mean, frankly speaking, I wont mind if people end up calling me a bad engineer. Because maybe this was not where I belonged. Maybe even if I could solve the set of equations an average student cant…I did not actually want to solve them. Maybe my brain ended up being a burden than a blessing.

Let’s be honest, there is an 8 out of 10 chance (forgive the mathematical still an engineer :P ) that you are chasing an American dream. It’s a use of 2 mere words to say, a Lamborghini in the garage, a Victoria secret’s model in the bed, and a million dollar in your pocket(that being the pre-requisite of the other sorry, but that’s how it works here). The aim of this letter is not to stop you from I cant do that, its your life, your dream and above all…there is not a faster car that Lamborghini and not a hotter girl than a Victoria secret’s model. The aim of this mere, afternoon written letter, is to possibly "awaken" to a better dream. (note- possibly).
We live in a very cynical society. A 18 year old boy decides to end up his life, cause the chick he liked did not reciprocate and another girl cries long lonely nights cause the long distance relationship she was in, was a mere joke! (Well they made 3-g video calling for the LDR people, are neck deep in trouble). We use social networking sites, keep track of all our friends but loose track of our time. We like and comment on everybody’s problem but solve none…mostly cause we are busy updating ours. I can keep on piling up, but it all comes down to the fact that we end up being a part of the same “American pie” or the indian “khichdi” whichever way you like it. Its all mixed up, no sense of individuality. No one cares if you own the coolest pair of boots in the campus, or the sexiest hairstyle or even if you have the highest grade in your batch. Cause unless you are Michael Jackson or Mahatma Gandhi, no one gives a rat's ass if you were here.
So if you have come thus far reading this letter, I am sure arrogance and ego is none of your problems and that you have understood the direction/dream I am talking about. The dream where making noise matters more than making money. The dream, they sold you when you stepped out of your doorsteps. The dream which was, and hopefully is, ours.

-          Anonymous

P.S- I wont sign the letter. Cause I understand that people don’t share pieces of writing unless its their own. So I am gonna keep it the way writers in the 15th century did. Cause its not the writer who matters here…it’s the letter and the reader. Thank you for reading.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is being single depressing on V-day?

As the countdown for Valentine's Day begins, the sight of couples exchanging sweet-nothings, cards, chocolates et al often leaves singles feeling lonely and depressed. While some may believe in celebrating the day by pampering themselves or having a gala time with family and friends, it can also make some feel miserable. So, can your 'solitary status' mar your self-esteem? Or would you just want to celebrate the joy of being single by indulging yourself?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blogging !!!

Blogging has changed my opinion about myself...
I found out that my thoughts and my writing skills are much better than what I used to consider them..I have rediscovered myself through blogging...
 For a person, who loves to read and loves to write, rather loves to create; blogging has been a pretty 'incredible' experience.
It has saved me from losing touch with my love for writing.
Also the compliments on my blog do wonders for my self-esteem.
... and there's lots more..
If I retrospect and go back to my initial posts, I can feel the difference and can notice the evolution. The praise and appreciation by dear ones and an urge to update my web presence helped the cause. I always wanted the platform that blogspot gave me.. Apart from awakening a hibernating, rather a dormant trait of mine I've made new friends, I've learnt about writing, and various formats of writing and maybe I've created some of my own.
It has helped me in connecting with likeminded people as well ... And the criticism and suggestions have helped me grow. !!!
Cheers !!