Monday, February 14, 2011

Is being single depressing on V-day?

As the countdown for Valentine's Day begins, the sight of couples exchanging sweet-nothings, cards, chocolates et al often leaves singles feeling lonely and depressed. While some may believe in celebrating the day by pampering themselves or having a gala time with family and friends, it can also make some feel miserable. So, can your 'solitary status' mar your self-esteem? Or would you just want to celebrate the joy of being single by indulging yourself?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blogging !!!

Blogging has changed my opinion about myself...
I found out that my thoughts and my writing skills are much better than what I used to consider them..I have rediscovered myself through blogging...
 For a person, who loves to read and loves to write, rather loves to create; blogging has been a pretty 'incredible' experience.
It has saved me from losing touch with my love for writing.
Also the compliments on my blog do wonders for my self-esteem.
... and there's lots more..
If I retrospect and go back to my initial posts, I can feel the difference and can notice the evolution. The praise and appreciation by dear ones and an urge to update my web presence helped the cause. I always wanted the platform that blogspot gave me.. Apart from awakening a hibernating, rather a dormant trait of mine I've made new friends, I've learnt about writing, and various formats of writing and maybe I've created some of my own.
It has helped me in connecting with likeminded people as well ... And the criticism and suggestions have helped me grow. !!!
Cheers !!